QUANTUM - Ancient History Mysteries Magazine - Science & Metaphysics



Saturday, May 23, 2009

Regarding Disclosure and Non-disclosure of Extraterrestrial Biological Entities Briefing


By: Theresa J. Thurmond Morris

The truth that I know can be debated I know and expect. I cannot tell why that we are all under different assumptions based on what the extra biological entities mean to others on earth but, I can tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may.

I know that I have much to tell that can be used in various debates on earth in the ET UFO Paranormal Community.

This is so controversial that I am not even sure I should write it. 

It is not the world, the global community, or the government and Majority 12 yes, Majority and not the Majestic 12. My code name is MAJIC. Ring any bells. I am also code named KEEPER. So, that lets some know that I know what I am speaking of. Maybe there are more than 38 clearance levels above TOP SECRET in the military. Maybe there are not. I am no longer in that loop and have been out since April 29, 1993 exactly eight years after I signed my contract with the United States Navy. So that lets those in charge that do care about what I know is not a matter of national security. 

But, what I know I can swear to before Congress as part of the Disclosure Advocates of the truth based on my experiences which is the truth.

I have all the statements made by John Lear and others on my website ET UFO NEWS. I can safely say that I was sent this information that is on the Internet and has been for years and is well known in the ET UFO Community.

There are those that do want to know the truth and there are various layers of truth and untruths that I would call propaganda on both sides of the ET UFO debate about aliens or extra terrestrials. I usually do not share much but, things are not always as they seem. I had no reason to lie and I do not make any monetary funds for me, my family, or the non-profit organizations that I am affiliated with. I am doing my writing of the past because of my morals, integrity, and what I believe to be the way life should be shared on earth. I am an ascension sentient intelligent being who shares this galaxy and universe with some very caring intelligent beings on this planet and in space.

They greys that I know of are those who are fragile and caring. They are much more intelligent with regard to what we know about education, science, technology and even our own species.

People can say I am brainwashed but I was willing to open my life, mind, and way of thinking so I could assist others who are terribly bothered about knowing the truth. This is why now I am at a crossroads in life. I know that I will need to support myself in the future and could make money with books telling people what they want to hear. 

I could share in the stories of the ET UFO Community about the praying mantis type aliens and the reptilians or I can share what I know to be the truth. The truth is much harder to believe because of all the years of propaganda about sharing in the fear of the unknown aliens. There are plenty of stories that add up to the history and I will neither admit or deny what has already been put into to words or print. I will leave all the past words to be read by other for there is nothing I can do to change those words and stories.

But, right is right and there are some of us at levels of life that have worked with beings and lived with beings in the military on earth and as civilians who are contractors that do know some of the truth but not all the truth. Everyone has ideas but no one being knows the whole story and history of the many extraterrestrials not even me. I have been allowed to know certain beings.

One group of these beings are the bi-peddle sentient intelligent beings that on earth we in the ET UFO Community call the greys. They stand about 36 to 45 inches usually under five feet according to English language in feet and not millimeters. I have not held a yard stick up to one but I can say between three and five feet on the average. They have skin that is a grayish tent and have a head with eyes, ears, small nose, and mouth. There arms appear somewhat longer because they are so short when a human compares them to us. One might say they compare to the little people of earth.

They greys have been known to pick up people but they return them to earth usually with no memory of being taken. The ones they observe are usually with a disease that can be cured and those that have these diseases are put into remission or given medicine that work for them. They are not hostile. They are more fragile than we humans of earth.

They work with over 20 types of beings in this galaxy. We have knowledge on earth of over 20 types that are dead and kept on earth. There are many, many more that are alive that those in government are not aware of. 

There are stories of the Nordics who come and go that work with the greys on the ships above in our galaxy. They are allies not enemies. The greys work for the Intelligent Beings on the major city that is a spacecraft but it is so huge and was built in space that we on earth would call it a city in space.

I can neither admit or deny any truth about the world governments building moon bases. I cannot either admit or deny that NASA is owned by our government or that it is simply a civilian corporation. I have not done an investigation on the organization but even if I did a paper trail investigation, this does not mean the actual holding company is the true company or government that actually controls those who are said to work for NASA. I do not put out information I personally have knowledge of. I know that my first husband (deceased) did work for NASA and that I have lived off the monetary gain that he made while supporting me and my children in the lat 60’s and early 70’s during the Apollo mission and when man first walked on the moon which was as far as I believe was a true space mission. If I did a real investigation, I would want to be paid for my time and then I would only submit that the Findings of Facts were to the best of my knowledge and end my Investigative Report based on an Opinion last paragraph the same way I use to complete my Judge Advocate General (JAG) investigations or Inspector General (IG) investigations. This will let those who are my peers and colleagues know in the government that I only submit with course, scope, and facts in my technical writing of Investigative Reports. 

As far as sharing the energy of the Disclosure Advocacy, I do so willingly because I am one who believes there is a level of knowledge that should be known and accepted by the general critical mass populace in this world of which is made up of a species of intelligent beings. We may be a young species but there are some of us that have been allowed to experience certain levels of being and knowledge that allows us to excel in areas of life that we could not without the extraterrestrials assistance. Those that I am familiar with are caring individuals with various levels of responsibility while here.

They should not have to fear for their lives on earth while all they have ever done is come and go with a desire to assist the species that we as humans are all a part of. It is ignorance that keeps us in fear of the unknown and I truly believe that there are certain past beings who were involved in the cover up based on their own self image and self control with others based on greed.

This may or may not be those who at one time were working with the Majority Twelve, the government, and I believe Herbert Hoover was only one being that wanted to control others with what he could obtain based on their personal lifestyles while having some questionable lifestyle eccentric ways of his own.

If there is still evil forces on earth then they are human being creations that are used with propaganda and fear used as control techniques with propaganda.

There are many beings who are writers such as myself that are to become writers of history of the future and will rewrite the history of the past civilizations with revisions and corrections.

In the future, as we go forth in space technology, we should all remember that there may be intelligent beings that are much older as intelligent beings that could at one time one earth been considered Supreme Beings, Gods, Goddesses, Angels, Messengers of God, Prophets, and Church, and religious world leaders. This includes those of all faiths and not just some.

If anyone ever believed that there is more to life than what is seen and understood on earth by people of faith or people of science, then one’s own mind should allow them to open that part of their minds that can certainly understand that if there are good and bad people on earth, then there are certainly good and bad people in space.

I have know beings on earth that are good but have made bad choices on earth. I also believe that there are those who are bad beings that have made good choices on earth and have become leaders of greed that control others.

This can apply in other worlds but remember that some of those worlds may be our ancestors who have always been guiding some of us on earth to share the truth of what is real to them in their world and in their galaxy. 

There is information that we can all accept as truth or lies. There is truth that we can accept about other species and other intelligent beings. I can share my truth that what I know is real in this life as much as the next. I can assure those who want to know the truth that there are many of us who have been exposed to the truth and reality that many of our elected leaders on earth have not been briefed about for they in the past had no reason to know the truth.

When Congress and the President of the United States is allowed to know of the truth about other intelligent beings that exist as off worlders in space above earth then we all can rest assured that some of the ones who are out in space to protect our species and this planet will be more at ease about allowing more of us know the truth about what we can expect in the future for our species.

We have been dangerous and killed the greys that have visited this planet in the past. If one knew that they were only trying to assist a younger species stay alive even though a primitive hostile species, we can understand why at the present time, they choose to stay hidden and not made known to the general populace on earth. This can change when we change our ways of gender bashing our own kind. There are other bi-peddle species in space. Some may be hostile I am told by those who have guided me on earth and have been friendly to me and my spouse. We were treated with respect and decency. As a matter of fact we were treated well and when I visited England Spain, and Portugal I was treated about the same as by these aliens above earth. The ones that look like us are the one’s who are in charge above. 

The real Majority Twelve is above in another Galaxy and that is the truth!    



Some call life on earth the Matrix. Web, grid, matrix are basically just words. It is the meaning that gives the connotation of time and reality. The explanations may not be accurate enough for the common reader with an eighth grade education but that was the level of knowledge restored to readers by the government levels set in time before I became a technical writer on earth. The web can be considered the Electronic Internet Web (EIW) or it can be much more in the spiritual sense of the word web. I am about sharing how to bend time as a time traveler that believes in extraterrestrials, unidentified flying objects, and God. Let me explain why.  First we have to all want to live and learn. Living to learn is the basic ingredient of what we do and who we are as individual units. We call these units at this time body-mind-spirits or intelligent beings belonging to the bi-peddle species. 

We use the Web for being human. The web is a grid in space time that houses all matter. Matter can be related to light, dark, antimatter, particles, ultraviolet, sound, magnetic pulses, energy, god particle, and all that is or ever will become. This is a broad spectrum of theory of analysis. Throwing thoughts out to the universe is part of the web and is caught in what we now refer to as a space time grid of the ET UFO GOD. Sounds like some science fiction words. Let me explain. There will be many lessons forthcoming that we have to understand before we can get past the string theory. Many of the people who are not interested in life, matter, space time continuum and cannot understand the language created by scientists will have to use the word God for the understanding they will get from these goods and service upon delivery. There is no guarantee that what this writer intended to convey in communication was accepted with the same meaning and terms by the receiver.

The basic energy from one unit to another can be sent as a sending unit. The basic energy of the one unit that is receiving can be seen as a receiving unit. There are other parts of the mathematical equation in algorithms that has to be considered that does effect the source of all things, including time in the grid or web of which all the met verses  as met verses or multiverses exist.  We must first realize that our way of being and thinking is based on what our species created long before we came to earth. The thought process of sending and receiving energy became linear or on a time line created by others. This was based on how the world seems to change based on the location in space. The earliest of our species kept up with change on earth based on nature and how their need to fulfill certain basic needs were met. The ones who came to earth before us and in the oldest terms of reality that are kept in the oral and written laws, stories, and rules were of the hunters and gatherer types.

We referred to the oldest known beings in various terms and words in what we now refer to as anthropology and archaeology.  I work in an area called ontology. The meaning of being in words. Therefore, words are tools of my trade in order to communicate as a technical writer for teaching in art, culture, education, and folklife. 

Words cause explosions of neurons, protons, electrons, and chemicals firing at the synapses of brains that work where we keep our minds and thoughts.

We can thank our religions on earth for assisting us to get this far in life with words and time. It was the monks at one time on earth that borrowed from the Greeks and brought the dripping water clocks  into their lives during the Middle Ages so they would know when certain prayers were to be performed. 

Clocks were made from sun dials as the sun crossed the sky, water dripping slowly from a vessel, and even candles burning through markers. Then there were the balance wheels weights and pendulums. We then had a breakthrough from the mechanical wheels into quartz clocks which have electronically induced vibrations of quartz crystal. This is not all that we use quartz crystal for because we use it in sound and in laser technology but that is another story. It was approximately 1949 two years before I came to earth that atomic clocks were accepted with microwave resonance as atoms and now here I am.  The Book called Boom Goes Sonic Reality is just one achievement you are reading now as the future optical atomic clock of ultraviolet resonance of atoms while we bend time and thoughts to explain the future.  There will be time on earth that will allow us to feel the future in ways that we can understand the way that life is to become in the next evolution of our species.

There are those of us knowing that we are part of the inventions that have not yet been done. We are part of whatever the mind can believe and conceive it can achieve.  I am here to assist everyone in improving communication of space navigation and science, physics, and technology with a new way to think in the WEB. We are all here to be  a part of those spirits that will descend to earth in the future. We are the creators working together as spirit synergistically as one unit.

God can be anything one wants God to be. God can be an acronym for Good on Delivery. God is a real part of each being, each unit of energy. God is what holds our thoughts together inside of our body-mind-spirit. God is so much more than what we have been led to believe on earth. God is a word with the meaning of all.

The story of GOD has been one that has never dissipated as energy. God then we can accept as the one word that has the most powerful meaning on earth. The second most powerful word is the Holy Spirit. For those who were brought up and programmed to believe in a religion, most will have some type of familiarity as to what the Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost means to their family and friends. Each culture and peer group has their own way of understanding words that are used in common.

When we speak of God, the energy becomes exhilarated. There are beings that do not believe in a God or the word God but when one mentions the word God even an atheist will feel the charge the energy that flows forth to and from the person speaking the word to the world. The energy that is charged in the word GOD is the most powerful word we own in the world today. There are over 2 names for the word God on this planet we call earth and counting. Yes, we are still inventing new ways to speak the meaning of the word God. I say God is an alien in an essay or story for an electronic magazine on the Internet for UFO Digest and it’s owner Dirk Vander Ploeg and there were comments that were filled with positive and negative words. Words that had meaning. Words that had emotions. 

Just like time on earth regarding how we live on a daily basis, there are words that affect all of us on a daily basis. Words are for most beings on earth how we communicate. Words represent our spirit and our souls when we use them. Words are our way of communicating with one another. Words are how old and sustaining stories come to life. Words are what can give credence to our souls in life. The surface of our own atmosphere can be changed with the way we dress up our physical bodies. 

Words can be dressed up as well. The surface of who we are, what we are, when we are, where we are, why we are, and sometimes how much energy we are can be deceiving to others. The Cradle of Civilization Book is the promise that will shake up the source of what life represents to those who lived a memorable life on earth. Most of us will never achieve the level of existence that Jesus or Mohamed did while here on earth. They were said to be chosen mouthpieces of prophets of God. Free speech is a wonderful part of our being that goes with free will. Then there is free choice the freedom to choose. Otherwise, we could not function as separate units of energy or spirit in a body-mind-spirit vessel of containment unit. 

God is where the body-mind-spirit meets the mind. Jesus once said that it was the mind that stands between the spirit and the physical body. Let me say that he said it and meant this in a time when people were trying to grasp what he was teaching about people above earth. It was a challenging and daunting task. Teachers that have come and gone in the body-mind-physical form on earth are sometimes referred to as seers and avatars. Some are said to be obtaining information where they visit in meditation while still existing in body-mind-spirit on earth. They do this with their spirit energy. The spirit energy is the one part of God that flows in all of us. God is the word accepted as the part of us that deals with the Holy Spirit.  Jesus was predicted as the coming of God to earth once again. It was passed down as a story on earth in oral and written form that there would be a time when those in heaven or celestial stellar space would return to earth to walk with our species.

Many people who know me as a psychic, seer, oracle are happy to share their time with me. We don’t speak of God. We speak of time. Time now is about mind bending and bending time. There is only way that I will be available to assist others in the future and that is on the Internet Computer. At one time in life I was trying to explain to others in business how computers worked before they existed. This made others look at me funny. I got into a time slot where I forgot my manners and did not remember what time frame I was in as a time traveler. I was in Honolulu, Hawaii and needed my corporation computer to speak to the computers in my office in Los Angeles, New York and Atlanta. I had others in Dallas that needed to know what I desired in the eco-fashion business that I had created. I was giving orders to my accountant who was adding software and a modem to my computer in 1990. He was listening to me explain how it could be done and it made sense to him. He forgot what he was supposed to be doing charging me an hourly fee and began listening to my needs and what I expected of him and my computer. He then after being considerably intrigued explained to me that I was ahead of my time and that what I asked was not possible. I asked him why not and he explained to me that what I desired had not been invented yet. He explained to me that he had heard from very secretive reliable sources that is was in the making and said I must have heard the same thing since I worked for the government at the time. This was a wake up call to me. I had once again crossed over in my mind and in time where mind bending thought effects space and time in my own world.

We all have a world in which we live. I call mine the TJ Morris Media World for obvious reasons. This is not accurate enough but it serves the purpose when one has to relate to others in real time about thoughts that are non-existent in their public lives. My restless soul sometimes connects the dots before they are ready to be connected and revealed to outside sources in my world. Sometimes I get anxious and want to speed up my reality on this planet. I sometimes forget that change takes time. 

For those that want more in the TAKEN UP Series presented by myself and Dirk Vander Ploeg, one will simply have to tune in. This idea was from others before Dirk wanting me to tell my story on how I became a psychic medium oracle while being visited by aliens making me a contactee. The book that American Book Publishers is sending me a contract for is based on all my alien contact experiences. Added to these of course will be the last chapter that speaks of UFO Digest and how I became known in the public eye as an Alien Contactee in the ET UFO paranormal community. The readers of mine are getting to know me as a being first hand by reading the articles I write. This is a good way to get a feel for a spirit that abides on earth with another while here in this plane of existence. Savor the moments we have should be understood. Living to learn and learning to live is the task up for grabs by us all. After all the one thing we all have in common is energy synergistically spiritually as one as in God.



By: Theresa J. Thurmond Morris

The truth that I know can be debated I know and expect. I cannot tell why that we are all under different assumptions based on what the extra biological entities mean to others on earth but, I can tell the truth and let the chips fall where they may.

I know that I have much to tell that can be used in various debates on earth in the ET UFO Paranormal Community.

This is so controversial that I am not even sure I should write it. 

It is not the world, the global community, or the government and Majority 12 yes, Majority and not the Majestic 12. My code name is MAJIC. Ring any bells. I am also code named KEEPER. So, that lets some know that I know what I am speaking of. Maybe there are more than 38 clearance levels above TOP SECRET in the military. Maybe there are not. I am no longer in that loop and have been out since April 29, 1993 exactly eight years after I signed my contract with the United States Navy. So that lets those in charge that do care about what I know is not a matter of national security. 

But, what I know I can swear to before Congress as part of the Disclosure Advocates of the truth based on my experiences which is the truth.

I have all the statements made by John Lear and others on my website ET UFO NEWS. I can safely say that I was sent this information that is on the Internet and has been for years and is well known in the ET UFO Community.

There are those that do want to know the truth and there are various layers of truth and untruths that I would call propaganda on both sides of the ET UFO debate about aliens or extra terrestrials. I usually do not share much but, things are not always as they seem. I had no reason to lie and I do not make any monetary funds for me, my family, or the non-profit organizations that I am affiliated with. I am doing my writing of the past because of my morals, integrity, and what I believe to be the way life should be shared on earth. I am an ascension sentient intelligent being who shares this galaxy and universe with some very caring intelligent beings on this planet and in space.

They greys that I know of are those who are fragile and caring. They are much more intelligent with regard to what we know about education, science, technology and even our own species.

People can say I am brainwashed but I was willing to open my life, mind, and way of thinking so I could assist others who are terribly bothered about knowing the truth. This is why now I am at a crossroads in life. I know that I will need to support myself in the future and could make money with books telling people what they want to hear. 

I could share in the stories of the ET UFO Community about the praying mantis type aliens and the reptilians or I can share what I know to be the truth. The truth is much harder to believe because of all the years of propaganda about sharing in the fear of the unknown aliens. There are plenty of stories that add up to the history and I will neither admit or deny what has already been put into to words or print. I will leave all the past words to be read by other for there is nothing I can do to change those words and stories.

But, right is right and there are some of us at levels of life that have worked with beings and lived with beings in the military on earth and as civilians who are contractors that do know some of the truth but not all the truth. Everyone has ideas but no one being knows the whole story and history of the many extraterrestrials not even me. I have been allowed to know certain beings.

One group of these beings are the bi-peddle sentient intelligent beings that on earth we in the ET UFO Community call the greys. They stand about 36 to 45 inches usually under five feet according to English language in feet and not millimeters. I have not held a yard stick up to one but I can say between three and five feet on the average. They have skin that is a grayish tent and have a head with eyes, ears, small nose, and mouth. There arms appear somewhat longer because they are so short when a human compares them to us. One might say they compare to the little people of earth.

They greys have been known to pick up people but they return them to earth usually with no memory of being taken. The ones they observe are usually with a disease that can be cured and those that have these diseases are put into remission or given medicine that work for them. They are not hostile. They are more fragile than we humans of earth.

They work with over 20 types of beings in this galaxy. We have knowledge on earth of over 20 types that are dead and kept on earth. There are many, many more that are alive that those in government are not aware of. 

There are stories of the Nordics who come and go that work with the greys on the ships above in our galaxy. They are allies not enemies. The greys work for the Intelligent Beings on the major city that is a spacecraft but it is so huge and was built in space that we on earth would call it a city in space.

I can neither admit or deny any truth about the world governments building moon bases. I cannot either admit or deny that NASA is owned by our government or that it is simply a civilian corporation. I have not done an investigation on the organization but even if I did a paper trail investigation, this does not mean the actual holding company is the true company or government that actually controls those who are said to work for NASA. I do not put out information I personally have knowledge of. I know that my first husband (deceased) did work for NASA and that I have lived off the monetary gain that he made while supporting me and my children in the lat 60’s and early 70’s during the Apollo mission and when man first walked on the moon which was as far as I believe was a true space mission. If I did a real investigation, I would want to be paid for my time and then I would only submit that the Findings of Facts were to the best of my knowledge and end my Investigative Report based on an Opinion last paragraph the same way I use to complete my Judge Advocate General (JAG) investigations or Inspector General (IG) investigations. This will let those who are my peers and colleagues know in the government that I only submit with course, scope, and facts in my technical writing of Investigative Reports. 

As far as sharing the energy of the Disclosure Advocacy, I do so willingly because I am one who believes there is a level of knowledge that should be known and accepted by the general critical mass populace in this world of which is made up of a species of intelligent beings. We may be a young species but there are some of us that have been allowed to experience certain levels of being and knowledge that allows us to excel in areas of life that we could not without the extraterrestrials assistance. Those that I am familiar with are caring individuals with various levels of responsibility while here.

They should not have to fear for their lives on earth while all they have ever done is come and go with a desire to assist the species that we as humans are all a part of. It is ignorance that keeps us in fear of the unknown and I truly believe that there are certain past beings who were involved in the cover up based on their own self image and self control with others based on greed.

This may or may not be those who at one time were working with the Majority Twelve, the government, and I believe Herbert Hoover was only one being that wanted to control others with what he could obtain based on their personal lifestyles while having some questionable lifestyle eccentric ways of his own.

If there is still evil forces on earth then they are human being creations that are used with propaganda and fear used as control techniques with propaganda.

There are many beings who are writers such as myself that are to become writers of history of the future and will rewrite the history of the past civilizations with revisions and corrections.

In the future, as we go forth in space technology, we should all remember that there may be intelligent beings that are much older as intelligent beings that could at one time one earth been considered Supreme Beings, Gods, Goddesses, Angels, Messengers of God, Prophets, and Church, and religious world leaders. This includes those of all faiths and not just some.

If anyone ever believed that there is more to life than what is seen and understood on earth by people of faith or people of science, then one’s own mind should allow them to open that part of their minds that can certainly understand that if there are good and bad people on earth, then there are certainly good and bad people in space.

I have know beings on earth that are good but have made bad choices on earth. I also believe that there are those who are bad beings that have made good choices on earth and have become leaders of greed that control others.

This can apply in other worlds but remember that some of those worlds may be our ancestors who have always been guiding some of us on earth to share the truth of what is real to them in their world and in their galaxy. 

There is information that we can all accept as truth or lies. There is truth that we can accept about other species and other intelligent beings. I can share my truth that what I know is real in this life as much as the next. I can assure those who want to know the truth that there are many of us who have been exposed to the truth and reality that many of our elected leaders on earth have not been briefed about for they in the past had no reason to know the truth.

When Congress and the President of the United States is allowed to know of the truth about other intelligent beings that exist as off worlders in space above earth then we all can rest assured that some of the ones who are out in space to protect our species and this planet will be more at ease about allowing more of us know the truth about what we can expect in the future for our species.

We have been dangerous and killed the greys that have visited this planet in the past. If one knew that they were only trying to assist a younger species stay alive even though a primitive hostile species, we can understand why at the present time, they choose to stay hidden and not made known to the general populace on earth. This can change when we change our ways of gender bashing our own kind. There are other bi-peddle species in space. Some may be hostile I am told by those who have guided me on earth and have been friendly to me and my spouse. We were treated with respect and decency. As a matter of fact we were treated well and when I visited England Spain, and Portugal I was treated about the same as by these aliens above earth. The ones that look like us are the one’s who are in charge above. 

The real Majority Twelve is above in another Galaxy and that is the truth!    

Saturday, May 16, 2009



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